

PiXELBLAST is an independent animation studio established in 2019 by Kilian Muster to create original animated series and other stuff nobody asked for.

Currently producing the sci-fi series Phungus & Mowld which even got a bunch of awards. And just completed a pilot/POC for the animated sitcom Shadywoods which also got some recognition.


The pilot episode of Phungus & Mowld “Dead Angle” was released in 2020 and won several awards at various film festivals. Followed by episode 2 in 2021, and the third installment in 2022. The pilot for Shadywoods, a fantasy sitcom, has just been completed and is now off to the film festivals.


To prove the point in the most extreme way, that animation can be done efficiently with a small dedicated team, Kilian Muster started producing three episodes of the sci-fi series Phungus & Mowld in 2019 as a one-man operation, in his spare time.

The pilot for Shadywoods has also been created, directed and animated entirely as a one-man production, with the exception of the voicework which has been completed in collaboration with various professional voice actors. 

With that proof of concept in the can, PiXELBLAST is now aiming at expanding production, with small, dedicated teams around the globe that share our vision of producing “Lean Animation” with less cruft and manageable budgets.


PiXELBLAST is based in Tokyo, Japan, but we have a network of creative partner studios, vfx artists, voice actors etc. around the globe, most of which are working remotely anyway. Who needs an office if the world is your oyster?


RED MOVIE AWARDS - Best Sci-Fi May 2021


For questions about our work, availability, potential collaboration, our series or press inquiries, drop us a line via the contact form from the button below.