The involuntary space-time adventures of two unlikely companions.
Hired gun and loudmouth Mowld drags Phungus, an anxious little alien from his cushy life as a bartender into countless outlandish adventures.
Episode 1 • Trailer
Episode 2 • Trailer
Episode 3 • Trailer

Phungus Qabee
A harmless snail-like Samosian far away from his home planet. Phungus couldn’t hurt a fly, but his curiosity might kill a cat, or himself.
He belongs to the reclusive race of the Samosians, of which very little is known. Phungus highly evolved mollusk brain allows him to do some real magic with code and computers, but he’s also a bit of a snob looking down on others who are not as intellectually gifted as him.

Mowld Schimmel
Mowld is a hired gun, adventurer, looter – looking for any opportunity to make a buck. His skill set indicates a shady past, supporting his shady present.
Under this tough guy’s surface lies a big heart, and unfortunately an even bigger mouth. He will go head first into any adventure if the payment is right. His rash can-do-attitude makes him a potential hazard for any mission, but also quite resilient – if he only had the brains of Phungus…

Manufactured by Imperial Labs, ALIS is a vintage imperial drone model that has gone out of fashion many years ago. Phungus stole this model and circumvented the security locks by replacing the firmware with his own hacked version (which has a few quirks).
The drone’s official designation is “Tactical Universal Robot Drone”, but Phungus felt the acronym to be inappropriate and renamed it: ALIS (Adaptive Lethality Intervention Sentinel).
The World

Earth’s Great Outdoors
Space – the ultimate destination, where galaxies throw their last parties, where parking is always free and the view is out of this world. These are the adventures of Phungus & Mowld. Their mission: to learn strange new words, to seek out new Wi-Fi and new procrastinations, to boldly go where no one is stupid enough to go… and to avoid tickets from the ultraviolet guard.
Phungus & Mowld takes place in a distant future of our galaxy where space travel is
common and humans and aliens sort of coexist. A rather wacky future, where the oxymoronic Democratic Empire of Gaia – spanning several solar systems – rules earth and other planets, where killing the Emperor results in merely a heavy fine (cloning a new one is cheap an easy), and you can scrounge off an imperial drone, if you help the swat team meet their arrest quota.